Migrants, especially in medium and low-skilled jobs, often face discrimination, low pay, precarious work, long working hours, accidents at work, and other violations of labour rights. In the Czech Republic, the influence of employers in setting rules concerning labour migration is growing.
The legislation has thus significantly weakened the position of migrant workers, who often cannot obtain labour rights because they are completely dependent on the employer. The principles of circular migration are also being promoted, where migrants come for a limited time and are not allowed to settle in the Czech Republic or bring a family. We strive to strengthen the rights of foreign workers/ migrant workers and to set up such measures and institutes that support the integration of migrants into society.
Migrants have limited long-term access to health care caused by systemic and partial barriers. The main problem is the limited access of migrants to the public health insurance system and the abuse of this situation by commercial health insurance providers.
We strive for a gradual legislative change and a change in practice that will improve the current situation of providing care to vulnerable groups of migrants such as children, pregnant women, and the elderly.
In some areas, there is a systematic violation of migrants rights - inadmissible marginalization and criminalization. In addition, the tightening of return and asylum legislation often does not respect the Czech Republics international obligations.
We therefore strive to preserve human rights standards that protect the fundamental rights of migrants, and thus of society as a whole. Through partial changes in the identified areas of asylum, migration and integration policy and practice, we want to contribute to improving the position of migrants in Czech society.
At present the migration agenda is not based on precise analyses and research, because the state insufficiently collects data on migration, does not work with them, and does not provide them to relevant parties.
The project team relies on the expertise of migration organizations with a unique approach to the target group of migrants and with expertise in almost all areas of migration policy. Thanks to our work with data, relevant parties learn to collect data, analyse it, and use it as a basis for policymaking and measures in the field of migration and integration. We believe that if more politicians or representatives of public administration work with data and have a realistic idea of the actual numbers of migrants or the size of the problem, we will contribute to greater effectiveness of integration policies. At the same time, quality work with data will enable the state to evaluate the implemented measures effectively.